Geopark is single, unified geographical areas where sites and landscapes of international geological significance are managed with a holistic concept of protection, education and sustainable development. Its bottom-up approach of combining conservation with sustainable development while involving local communities is becoming increasingly popular.
At present, there are 24 geoparks in Indonesia consisting of 10 UNESCO Global Geoparks, 10 National Geoparks and 4 Aspiring National Geoparks. Indonesian Geoparks Network Indonesian Geoparks Network (IGN or JGI in Bahasa Indonesia) was found in Tanjung Pandan, Belitung (Belitong UGGp) May, 19th 2017. IGN (JGI) is a national partnership among geoparks (UGGp, national and aspiring national) in Indonesia.
Vision: to become a world-class networking organization in geopark development to provide benefits to stakeholders in an inclusive and sustainable manner Mission:
(1) has the determination to help members achieve success in sustainable geopark development,
(2) Creating Opportunities for its members to improve nature conservation and the welfare of their communities through quality and globally competitive collaborative programs
(3) Generating sustainable added value for stakeholders through three geopark development objectives in terms of education, conservation and sustainable local economic empowerment
(4) Make a meaningful contribution to the welfare and progress of the nation.